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On 10 & 11 December 2020 Carlisle Crown Court heard an appeal against conviction by Mr Jude Hubbard (also known as Mr Jude Oliver and Mr Jude Conlan) in respect of a finding of guilty in respect of committing unlawful farriery at Carlisle Magistrates Court on 9 Dec 2019. Mr Hubbard had been apprehended by the RSPCA and the Police while shoeing a horse at the Appleby Horse Fair on 6 June 2019.

The Court heard the case afresh including hearing all the witnesses. The Court dismissed Mr Hubbard’s appeal; confirmed that the original finding of guilty stood; confirmed that the original fine of £100 and victim surcharge of £30 stood; that the original costs order of £5000 stood, and an additional costs order of £7674.72p was awarded against Mr Hubbard.

This is Mr Hubbard’s second conviction for unlawful farriery in as many years; Mr Hubbard appealed against both convictions and on both occasions the appeals have been dismissed.

Advice to Horse Owners

Horse owners, and most especially those in South Yorkshire and North Nottinghamshire, are reminded that Mr Hubbard/Oliver/Conlan is not a Registered Farrier and never has been, and he holds no farriery qualification. Please carefully consider the welfare of your horse and employ only a Registered Farrier.