Registered Farriers will have been issued with a copy of ‘Farrier, Approved Training Farrier & Apprentice Code of Professional Conduct' upon registration with the Farriers Registration Council, and farriery apprentices will receive a copy on enrolment to the apprenticeship.
The Code describes the principles of good farriery practice, and standards of competence, care and conduct expected of Registered Farriers, Approved Training Farriers and Enrolled Apprentice farriers in all aspects of their professional work and student life.
The Code is split into three parts; the first outlines the specific responsibilities that a farrier should adhere to and offers guidance as to how to meet those responsibilities; the second part sets out direction and guidance for Approved Training Farriers, and the third part is for enrolled apprentice farriers.
The Code of Professional Conduct cannot, of necessity, cover every possible circumstance, but it is intended to set general standards.
For more information please visit the My FRC area.