Vision, Mission and Values

FRC Vision

Prevention and avoidance of suffering by equines through ensuring that equine owners are able to access the equine hoof-care that best meets their needs in a timely and assured manner; this care will be delivered only by those capable and qualified to do so.

FRC Mission

The FRC will deliver:

  • Registration of British Farriers seeking to practice farriery in GB.
  • Registration of Overseas Farriers seeking to practice farriery in GB.
  • Approval of courses, qualifications and institutions pertaining to the practice of farriery in GB.
  • Supervision of approved institutions and examinations pertaining to the practice of farriery in GB.
  • Preliminary Investigation of cases where a person is liable to have his or her name erased from the register
  • Consideration and determination of disciplinary cases.

In order to provide regulation and assurance to equines, equine owners and the public.

FRC Values

The FRC maintains that the welfare of equine is best served by an independent, accountable and ‘fit for purpose’ regulation. The work of the FRC is underpinned by five core organisational values which apply to Council Members and the Secretariat alike.

Commitment – The FRC is committed to acting in the best interests of the equine and the organisation, taking responsibility for our actions within the requirements of the Farriers Registration Act.

Integrity – The FRC will act honestly, openly and consistently and will not tolerate deceit, dishonesty and discrimination. It can be trusted to use its powers responsibly.

Respect for Others – The FRC respects and values the contributions of others and engages and listens to its stakeholders. It will not tolerate prejudice and favouritism but encourages diversity and equality of opportunity.

Lawful – The FRC will act in a manner that is demonstrably lawful, using firm, proportionate, transparent enforcement to deal with those who do not comply with regulatory principles.

Professional & Ethical – The FRC is dedicated to safeguarding the interests of the equine through its knowledge and skills. It will conduct itself and its business affairs in accordance with the highest ethical standards including confidentiality of sensitive information acquired in the course of its regulatory business.