AGM and Council Meeting - 26 April 2023


Annual General Meeting of the Farriers Registration Council

to be held as a hybrid meeting,

on Wednesday 26 April 2023, commencing at 10.30am

Annual General Meeting (AGM) 

The AGM is open to the public and members of the public may be in attendance

in person or by video.

 1.              Apologies for Absence 

2.              Declaration of Interests 

3.              To Note – Approved Minutes of the Annual General Meeting – 27 April 2022 

4.              Matters arising from the Annual General Meeting which are not Agenda items and which have not been progressed at ordinary Council Meetings

5.              To Approve: 

5.1    Committee Membership 

5.2    2022 Audited Accounts 

5.3    2022 Annual Report

6.              To Note: 

6.1    Annual Declarations and Confidentiality 

Meeting of the Farriers Registration Council (FRC)

to be held as a hybrid meeting,

on Wednesday 26 April 2023, commencing immediately after the AGM


The open session of the Council meeting is open to the public

and members of the public may be in attendance in person or by video link.




1.      Apologies for Absence 

2.     Declaration of Interests 

3.      Notification of any items to be raised under “Any Other Business” 

4.      To Note Previously Approved Minutes of: 

 ·      Council Meeting – 26 October 2022

5.      Matters arising which are not Agenda Items 

6.      To Receive and Consider the following Reports, Council Committee Minutes

         and Associated Papers:               

6.1    Minutes of Registration Committee Meeting of 1 March 2023



7.      Policy Development and Matters of Commercial Sensitivity:

7.1   Report of the Approvals Committee

7.2    Farriery Apprenticeship Steering Group (FASG)

7.3    Minutes of the Finance Committee Meeting of 22 March 2023, including Risk and Compliance

7.4    Office Holders Code of Conduct

7.5    Investigating Committee Manual

7.6    Countering Financial Crime Risks Policy and Money Laundering Risk Assessment

8.      Any Other Business – Any matters that may be raised as AOB.